Forest Law Enforcement and Governance
FLEG is the result of an international participative process extended over more than two decades involving governs, international organisations, national initiatives, NGO-s, groups of patrons, which has as main objective to stop illegal logging and illegal timber through the consolidation of the governance in the forestry field...Continue Reading
European Union FLEG-T Action Plan
The action plan establishes a set of actions against illegal timber trade, actions included in seven points that must be implemented by the EU member countries both at domestic level and in relation with EU exporting countries... Continue Reading
EU FLEGT Action Plan identifies a set of actions to be taken for the decrease of illegal logging and of the trade with illegally sourced timber. For the implementation of such actions it is fundamental to distinguish legally sourced wood from wood of illegal or unknown source...Continue Reading
Timber Legality Assurance Systems
The purpose of the timber legality assurance systems is to provide viable modalities for to verify and distinguish the legal timber and timber products from the illegal timber...Continue Reading