FSC Certification

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organisation founded in the year 1993 in order to promote the responsible forest management all around the world.

This body acts at an international level and offers services through the FSC International centre located in Bonn, Germany, as well as through an international network of National Initiatives.

Main responsibilities of FSC:

  • 1. development of standards
  • 2. accreditation of certification bodies and of FSC National Initiatives
  • 3. . labelling of wood products

  • When buying independently certified wood products there is a guarantee that the wood used in the product comes from forests which are sustainably managed, on the basis of social, economical and ecological criteria.



    Marius Turtica
    tel: +40 740 300 616

    Certificate FSC Romania
