Purpose and Objectives
The Purpose Aof the Association for Forest Certification (ACF) is to promote a responsible forest management, a credible forest certification system, meant to contribute to an ecologically appropriate forest management with social benefits and economically viable, to the conservation of the nature environment and of the ecological processes in Romania.
The Objectives of the Association for Forestry Certification to fulfil its purpose are as follows:
- 1. Supply information related to the forest management and chain of custody certification to institutions and organisations in the forestry sector, as well as to the large public interested in this area.
- 2. Support activities linked to the forest management and chain of custody certification in compliance with a credible certification scheme.
- 3. Support the activities carried out by the National Work Group for Forest Certification (GNLCP).
- 4. Management of protected areas.
- 5. Research work
- 6. Creation of management plans for protected areas